
What openid.server and openid.delegate options do I need to use to delegate my OpenID from my website to Yahoo

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What openid.server and openid.delegate options do I need to use to delegate my OpenID from my website to Yahoo OpenID?

I have my own domain and my own website and I use the name of that website as my OpenID, but instead of setting up my own OpenID server, I use the delegation option to redirect to another OpenID provider.

Yahoo help does not specify what openid.server and openid.delegate options should I use for the Yahoo OpenID.




  1. Sorry I don't have the full answer.  I'm trying to find out the exact same thing myself.  The following code should work in your site's header.

    <link rel="openid.server" href="http://ThisIsTheMissingPart" />

    <link rel="openid.delegate" href="http://theURLtoYourYahooOpenID" />

    The delegate should be the URL Yahoo gives you for your OpenID.  But the server URL remains a mystery.  Why won't Yahoo just tell us what it is?

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