
What opportunities do males have which females are deprived of?

by Guest61019  |  earlier

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and how does this account for female underachievment in virtually every field?




  1. In terms of agriculture, they have more difficulties than men in gaining access to resources such as land, credit and productivity-enhancing and services.

  2. Men still get paid more than women.

  3. There haven't been any for a few decades.

  4. The only thing that a man can do that I can't as a woman is pee standing up. That is not to say that I want to do all the things that a man can do. This has not caused any underachievement in myself or any of the other females that I know.

    I don't think testosterone or a lack thereof has any bearing on success. Here is my example. Look at someone like a female supreme court justice. There are several men in the same postion, this woman has achieved the same "status" of success as them. She is their equal. Her vote counts as equally as their vote. Now, I do have to say that there are many women who underacheive in life but no more than there are men who also underachieve. I know of several men who are very intelligent, could really go far in life...if they wanted to. However they are content in a mediocre job, simply because it provides them with the little bit of support they need. My husbands best friend is one of these men. This guy is very intelligent. He got nearly a perfect SAT score and his intelligence test is very high as well. He could have gone to any college/university he chose to...but he didn't. Instead he works in warehouse for Target. He made a choice to not find greater success. He could be so much more than a warehouse worker (not saying that this is not a success but if you met this guy you would ask 'why aren't you finding a cure for cancer somewhere?') So my question back to you is: Has testosterone held some men back from success and prevented them from finding their "drive" or intrinsic motivation for finding success?

  5. Well, so far we haven't been allowed in the Oval Office except under the table.

  6. Women are almost invariably left to deal with the bulk of childcare and domestic duties.  This on top of their jobs outside the home.

    When men step up to the plate and assume 50% of those duties women will no longer be "deprived" of the same extent of time and energy and will be able to devote that energy to their careers - just like men do now.

    *Just who do you expect will become the next generation of taxpayers if not for the next generation?  Who will pay the staff at the old folk's home where you end up?


  7. Generally, women can't be male strippers.  But, men can't be female strippers so it evens out.

  8. Well it was during the 2nd world war when the men had gone to war and the women had to go out to work in the artillery factories making weapons and took all the jobs in offices ,  rebuilding the roads , they took first class jobs  and the men didn't get them back on arriving back.

    From thenon this revolutionised the history of the working woman who now had a career.  My great aunt left school at 14

    never married or had kids and worked her way up the ranks in the offices.  She hardly had any schooling but....the brain was there.  Moral of the story; So if the brains there.....

    She'll waltz it.  One thing to remember is don't let the blokes win or stop you in your quest to be the best.  They will and business is a messy business and they use sexual refererences

    to try and deter you but don't let em rile you.  They just losers.

    Remember this and you wont go far wrong.

  9. One cannot use any historical data on achievements made by men because they do not reflec the condition of subservience that women have lived for centuries.  Women are currently making great strides and showing that gender has nothing to do with success.  For example the youngest professor is a young 19 year old woman who specializes in mathematics.  Even in today's environment though women come under the typical career diverting choice of bearing children.  Unfortunately this does impact on potential income and promotions.  The irony is that a woman typically needs the help of another women to continue on her path to success by hiring a nanny or housekeeper.

  10. males can join the royal marines! thats about the only one i can think of, you'll find most jobs that are favoured to men over women is because men relate more to men then they do to woman, like football, etc, thats what i found at lease

  11. Female underachievement in virtually every field?? Eh?  Girls outperform boys in almost every subject in school.. so any disparity is obviously not innate but cultural.. for both instances..

    Oh and there are studies to show that whilst men/boys exagerate how bright they are women undermine themselves so you go tiger - you are obviously all that and more.. :oP

  12. "female underachievment in virtually every field?"

    Does repeating this little fantasy to yourself and clicking your heels together make you feel like less of a failure, Dorothy?

    Edit: Nobel prizes are generally awarded for work done in decades past. Since women generally didn't start attending college in large numbers until the 70s and even 80s.

    Are you really so dim that you need someone to explain this to you?

  13. It's not underachievement. Let's see how well you can do when you are deprived of an education and told from birth that your only purpose in life is to get married and have children. Then there the lack of respect. Female dominated fields pay less and generate a lot less respect than male dominated fields even though the jobs are just as important. For example, if being a teacher or a nurse is so great, then how come more men don't enter those job fields. It's because of the low pay and the fact that most men think those jobs are for losers. Why be a nurse when you can become a doctor? Why teach when you can make a lot more money elsewhere? Remember the old saying "Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach"?

  14. Thanks to the male need to overachieve,overdevelop and divide and conquer we now have global warming,drug addiction coz some male scientist came up with heroin and coke in a lab, warfare,poverty etc. Why are the majority of people in our prison populations male? Your certainly underachieving if prison statistics are being taken into consideration .It is because your a bunch of violent slack jaw halfwits that can't controll criminal urges?  Don't make sweeping statements moron coz males certainly haven't made the world a better place for all their overacheivments.

  15. Look at the number of females leaders.  Also look to see who owns and controls conglomerates, global businesses and media.

    Guess you can figure out why women are still marginalized in many parts of the world.

  16. women don't get the opportunity to pay most of their paycheck to alimony and child support, being jailed if they don't (legal slavery).  Women don't get the opportunity to be deprived of seeing their own children at the whim of their spouse.

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