
What option would you have for an abandoned garage?

by  |  earlier

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say the total covered floor area is: (8m x 4m) with a floor-to-ceiling clear height of 3m




  1. If i wasn't going to park a car in the garage i would make it either into a recreation area such as for excercise equipment or for playing games,  and entertaining with my friends . or i would lease out the space and make some cash .

  2. Park your car in it.  Then it will no longer be abandoned.

  3. i;ve seen where people have made a rec room and made another living/family room out of their garages

  4. I'll m********e inside, then it's not abandoned.

  5. Game room/recreation room with pool table or ping pong...if you don't like that you can set up a arts and crafts room:  Two saw horses and a hollow core door painted black will serve as a table for sewing or painting, crafts whatever you enjoy doing; clear it out and wax the floor and set up a bar in the corner, a great music system, some cheap colored lights and you will have an awesome place for parties and dancing...

    My mouth is watering just thinking of all the fun stuff you can do; I'm jealous!

  6. put some exercise equipment in there nothing expensive, but think of gym memberships you will save and you can have mates round and music .

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