
What options do I have appointing a legal guardian for my son?

by Guest66448  |  earlier

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I wouldn't think this is such an uncommon occurrence but, I can't find any other questions like this one...

Assuming something should happen to both me and my husband, there is no family member or friend willing or able to take care of my son (btw as far as we know, both myself and hubby are healthy). My son is 21 months old right now. I am mid-20s and husband is mid-30s. Neither my husband nor I have a will right now but I will be making one very soon. I consider this to be a very big problem. I feel like, there should be programs where I can pick a legal guardian similar to the way a birth mom would pick adoptive parents for her child assuming she was giving him/her up. But I don't know anything about these types of situations. Can anyone help please?




  1. Do you have a best friend that is very similar to you?  If your child can't have you... wouldn't you want to find someone who has similar characteristics of you...  supposing you have quality characteristics...

  2. your worrying far 2 mch, dont u have biger problems lol

  3. normaly a guardian is picked among family or friends both cause you really know those so you know can trust them to raise your kid as you want

    and the kid know the person so if they are griving they are with a person they know who know the kid, and not a stranger

    as said its not a normal problam its a just in case, and oftenmost grandparents in such cases would want to step up, its their grand child, and they have a love lost both of them

    so dont know if there is a program as such cause most pick someone close to them and the kid

    like someone said take out an insurancy, and write your will in totality to the kid, as a minor the guardian would have access to some of the founds to use to raise the child (set up terms if you are unsure of how this is to be done, with exceptions needing aproved by a lawyer or second signature by another person)

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