
What options do I have for maternity insurance?

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Assuming any future births will have to be much can I expect to pay, what sort of waiting periods are there, what's the best deal?




  1. Depends on where you live.  Some places are prepayment plans like Zarnev says, but others provide full coverage like any other illness.  

  2. Well, future births do NOT have to be c sections.  That's a MYTH.  Repeat C section, is NOT required, although it IS Heavily pushed by doctors and hospitals (more money for them, less time).  It's usually elective surgery.

    Private maternity coverage, is very expensive and you have to have it at least a year before you get pregnant.  It's a "rider" to your regular health insurance.  Cost will vary depending on your age and general health.

    So, if your regular health insurance is $300 a month, maternity will likely be an additional $250 to $300 a month.  

    The "best deal" is a group policy, through your employer.  No waits, and no extra costs.  

    If you're buying this on your own, you really need to use a local agent.  That way, you have personalized information for your area - not the "best deal" halfway across the country, that doesn't apply to you.

  3. Your situation are typical for a lot of people,so,be patient and calm down,check the resource i found useful.

  4. Your best option is with a group plan through an employer. Otherwise, maternity coverage with an individual plan is more of a pre-payment plan. If you do the math, the increased premium for maternity and the waiting period (which can be up to 21 months) just about equals what it would cost for a delivery paying cash. Complications of pregnancy, such as a C-section, are covered with almost all individual plans even if the plan does not cover maternity.

  5. Maternity is automatically covered with most group health plans while it will cost extra to add on maternity coverage to an individual plan (although individual plans do automatically cover any complications that result from a pregnancy even if one does not have the maternity coverage add on).

    Many times there is a 12 month waiting period when you first add on maternity coverage to a health plan.

    Here is some more information on maternity insurance:

  6. Here You Go :

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