
What options do i have if my parents want to send me away ?

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ok..... my mom has a lot of problems and some emotional ones too shes always asking me if im doing drugs and stuff (i don't and never have they also give me drug tests too with out telling me but i know now ) and are family has a lot of serious old and never resolved issues and when ever i try to talk to my mom about them she changes the subject or just walks away

im 17 and shes sent me and my twin brother away to a placement center in Montana and i live in California so you might guess how bad it was for me and my bro (we got sent at the same time sound like a conspiracy to me but whatever) that place was run like a prison to with the locked doors and crouped employees and every thing

sorry this is coming out like my life story but i have to get this out some how

any ways me and my bro have been going to therapy since we were like 7 and had over 25 therapists were not crazy or any thing it just seems to me and my bro that thing haven't changed and probably will never change but whatever im 17

ok heres my question if my mom decides shes going to send me or my bro or both of us away again can i just say NO!!! NOT AGAIN and just lay low for the rest of the time till im 18 i know theres no law or right that allows a parent to send there kid away im not afraid to stand up to her and i know i will not waste away an other year in a lock down facility cut off from the world and surrounded by abusive staff and a crouped system that dosent let you succeed (and i use that word very loosely) or get the ***** out

so let me know what you think about that plan




  1. Sounds pretty crappy. If I were you, I'd go to Legal Aid and try to get something done. See if the courts can make your mother submit to a mental evaluation. The key here is to be mature and well spoken when you go to this legal aid attorney. Brush up on your vocabulary and don't sound like you are doing anything out of revenge. The more concerned you sound for your mother's well being, the more seriously they will take you. If she really does have problems, she will get the help she needs, and you will benefit from hopefully not being sent away again and maybe you'll get the mom you want and need. You and your brother may be placed in foster care during this time, so be prepared for that. Good luck

  2. Yeah, I know that these sorts of camps do exist and they are really run like correction camps for criminals.

    I know that there do even exist worse ones out of USA, where not even laws are respected...

    Anyway you are 17 and soon you are 18 and although you mother would send you there you know that pretty soon you will be full of age and end of the story...

    Of course there is also the possibility to talk with the youth protection and I am sure they can help you.

    If your mother is mentally unstable she should be the one to go to a “camp” where she can calm down and meditate.

    Cheer up, pretty soon you are 18 and you can move on with the law on your side and live your own life.

  3. A few questions.  where are you as far as schooling goes?  Have you finished High School?  I have no clue what all the details are here but if she is sending you away due to her problems alone none of it makes sense.  There has to be some reason in order for that to happen.  Are you rebellious?

    You are both 17 you can become emancipated if you can show you can support yourselves, finish High School. But by the time you got to court for that you would probably be 18.  You have been seeing counselors, have you talked to them about what is going on.  If there is no problem with you your counselor should be able to help you avoid the lock ups.  I just can't give the best advice with out knowing what is really going on.   Mom sending you to an out of town juvenile camp makes no sense to me without cause.  WHATS UP?  

  4. It seems that either you or your mother have some serious problems.  I do not really understand all the details of the situation.  Either your mother is having some kind of mental problem or you and your brother are troubled teens.  She can legally send you anywhere she chooses until you are 18 but as soon as you turn 18 you can split if you so choose.  Are you being sent to a boarding school/military school?  If so she may be sending you there for your own good.  Talk to your councilors about this they may can help.  Whithout all the details no one on yahoo can really help you out.

    GOood luck

  5. I don't understand how she can send you away unless you've done something wrong. usually it's up to the courts whether you get placed or not. I think that maybe if you and your brother got jobs, and showed them that your responsible and able to take care of yourselves, that you can fight this. They have no right to just send you away if you have done nothing wrong. Maybe you guys can get free legal advice somewhere.  

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