
What options do we, as tenants, have?

by  |  earlier

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My parents are renting a home which is currently experiencing a lot of trouble with the pipes/water. (Apparently the people before us experienced the same thing. Now the basement reeks of mildew.) It seems if we use anything (the tub/sink/toliet/washer), water starts to leak either in the basement or in the bathroom. Its ridiculous. My landlady said she would get her grandson to come. In FIVE or SIX days. We can't afford to hire someone. Do we just have to endure this somehow until her grandson comes or go stay with someone else? Is there something we can do to resolve this? =\

Thank you.




  1. I would inform the landlord that unless she or he has a plumber there within 24 hours ; that you are going to hire a plumber and use next months rent to pay for it ....

    Should the landlord TRY to take you to court ; just have your receipts and a record of the dates and times that you called and talked about the situation including the last time where you advised her/him of your intent to hire a plumber ...

  2. 5 or 6 days is a very reasonable amount of time.  By law she can make you wait 14 days before sending someone.  If you go somewhere unless for those 5 days it will be at your own expense.

  3. There are repairs that are considered emergencies and those that are not.  A leaking toilet is an emergency in my books if it effluent that is leaking.  This poses a serious health hazzard.

    If this is the first time you have let her know of the problem then 5 or 6 days wait time is not unusual.  It is aggravating but that comes with renting.  I realize that the tenants before had this problem as well.

    Request that the repairs be done in a more timely manner and explain why.  She may not honor your request.

    Every state/province has its own Tenancy Act.  Familiarize yourself with it specifically as it pertains to repairs.  Knowledge is power.  If in 5 or 6 days she does not get the work done and is stalling then you should (and likely do) have the right to get the repairs done yourself and be reimbursed by the landlady.  If she refuses to pay then you take her to small claims court.  Small claims court is not as scary as it sounds.  But if you cannot afford to hire someone and can't at least put up the money temporarily then you have a problem and there is not much you can do but dance to her tune.

    If the place is uninhabitable you have just cause to vacate the premises and be reimbursed for any money you are out for having to stay elsewhere.

    Give her the opportunity and see what happens.  I would give her a letter stating:

    "We understand that you will be here to repair the following problems on the day of..... Please advise if you will need entry in the am or pm."

    Ask for  the reply to be in writing if possible.   Keep a copy of your letter and the reply so you create a paper trail.  This way she cannot deny that she was not made aware.  Legally it is your responsibility to notify a landlord when repairs need to be done otherwise they can hold you responsible if damages occurs as a result of the existing problem.   This will be your proof.  

    If she stalls, tell her (in writing) you will be getting someone in to do the necessary repairs and  you will not be waiting any longer.  Then tell her you will be billing her.

    Then seriously consider moving elsewhere.  I don't think you are going to be satisfied with this landlady.

  4. 1 - Find the landlord tenant laws for YOUR state.

    2 - Look up the process for a tenant to follow when the landlord fails to repair necessary items.


    It usually consists of sending the landlord a certified notice, giving them X days to fix, and then hiring a licensed contractor to do the work (within certain limits ... usually no more than 1.5months rent coat), and then sending them a copy of the bill and whatever rent is owed after deducting the bill.

    But you must follow the procedure exactly ...

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