
What options should i pick?

by Guest66900  |  earlier

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I'm going into yr 10 and as my school take GCSEs a Year early we're expected to pick our options for A-Levels etc really soon.

I'm Getting straight a* s in all subjects in mock GCSEs so have no idea what to pick can anyone help??




  1. i thing that graphic design i very good that'ss whatI'm'm taking it includes working with computers, it helps journalism, and enhances your reserching skills.but most importantly you can get any job with it it might not be clear how at first but you'll understand soon

  2. Well what is it that you want to do in the future?

    English is always a good subject to do for A Level...

    don't do pyscology everyone seemed to do that one lol

    Take a subject that you enjoy, and A Level which you excel in will look good.

    If you want to do anything related in Science make sure you take this as you will definately need it for University.

  3. i want to do medicine aswell and you should obviously take triple science (biology, chemistry, physics), mathematics, and they're the only important subjects for medicine. so choose other subjects that you enjoy and good luck. for training you should go to your doctor's surgery.  

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