
What or Whom drives you crazy?

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People who double park on a one lane road when there's 10 feet of snow everywhere on the street! THAT drives me crazy.

There's no room to park first of all, so why are they double parking? (then the insurance companies wonder why there are so many accidents)




  1. The double parking (I drive a fullsize van, I need more space).

    People hovering in my blind spot, and when I speed up / slow down, they stay there.

    Old people who are driving in the lane next to a semi and go THE SAME SPEED, so both lanes are backing up.

    People hovering on the line lane (Again, I need more space as I have a bigger vehicle)

    People not signaling turns


  2. My laptop when it won't play nice

  3. What gets to me ROsie is when I go to the fridge to get something Ive been saving or looking forward to and found that some little piggy got to it first. There I go again thinking about food.

    Now Ive learned to hide anything special.

  4. good point

  5. Yes double parking bites but the thing I hate the most is that many people dont use their turn signals.

  6. What grabs my gourd is the people driving along with their turn signals on with no intentions of turning.

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