
What or how do I talk to my eight year old son who has a problem with one of his fiends in his class?

by  |  earlier

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This bhild tends to know how to push my sons buttons and he winds up getting in trouble instead of the other way arpound. I'm not saying my child is an angel, but this child gets him in troubles whenever he is around my son. I havbe explained to my son to try and stay away with this child, because of what he is doing to him. Just until this child gets the picture that my son doesn't like the way he treats him. I would appreciate anyone's help in this matter. I just don't know what to do anymore and I don't want my son to keep getting in trouble for someone else's rudeness.




  1. I am so sorry your son is being harassed by this other student. There is a wonderful set of materials put out by Kid Power that can be of great help to both of you:

    The organization also runs workshops for both kids and adults:

    All the best.

  2. I got a kick out of what someone else answered.."Teach your kid to beat him up or you do it." I couldnt stop laughing. Yep that is what we want to do sometimes as parents, but we know as good parents thats not the right thing to do. I would go talk to the teacher and/or school principal about this.

  3. My best advice to you is to go in and talk with the teacher/principal.  Schedule a time to talk with the teacher when either class is not going on or when the kids are away from the class (in gym or recess).  This way you can have a one on one without the other kids knowing you are there.  This way you also don't cause more problems for your son.  Let the teacher know your concerns and ask for help and advice.  Maybe even try to take some time off to go volunteer in the room a couple times.  This way you can be there most of the day and see how the kids all interact.  This is a great eye opener.  Keep the open mind that you know that your son is not an angel, this will help with the teacher.  Also, do the same with the principal.  This way they are aware of your concerns and they can help to keep an eye out.  This way the next time you get called into the principals office for your sons behavior, it is easier because you have been in there for the exact problem prior.  It should help them be open minded to the situations.  You might also find out some good stuff as well.  Good luck.

  4. teach your son how to beat up the kid or do it yourself like in family guy.

  5. You have to stick up for your son. If the other boy is touching or saying rude things to your son and your son is only responding in self-defense, standing up for himself, you'd be doing him a disservice by allowing the school to punish your son for doing what is right. Contrary to what others here are telling you, your son is being bullied. His getting in trouble for his reaction is not the issue at all. What needs to happen is the staff at his school has to become more vigilant in observing this other child and to step in when bullying occurs, before your child feels he has to defend himself. If they were doing their job your child would not feel he has to defend himself.

  6. It's YOUR child that needs to learn to control his emotions!  There is always going to be somebody to try and push his buttons and HE needs to learn not to react to it!  The problem is your Son's, not the other boy!!  Your Son isn't getting in trouble because of the other boys rudness, he gets in trouble because he can't control HIMSELF!  He is getting in trouble because of him, not the other child!

  7. there are two sides to every story so your son just has to tell his side (the other kid was being a jerk) if this dosent work sorry

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