
What or who brought down flight 93 in Pa.?

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What or who brought down flight 93 in Pa.?




  1. Terrorists were the main cause. Had they not hijacked the flight, it would not have crashed.



  2. It was all an elaborate scheme cooked up by the Illuminati. Oswald's co-conspirators were piloting a UFO on a chemtrailing mission when they ran into a pocket of swamp gas. The resulting explosion caused a wormhole to open, disturbing the nearby plane enough to cause it to crash. Thankfully, it was in fact an unmanned vehicle flown by Freemasons from a secret bunker, so no one was killed. Except for Bigfoot, whose remains were found at the scene. This is all documented by my friend Deep Throat. Why it was allowed to happen when it was foretold so long ago by Nostrodamus will never be known.

    P.S. Does anybody know why there's a silent helicopter hovering outside my house?

  3. apparently the hijackers were overcome by the passengers

  4. Well the USA say it was the hiijackers after the passengers fought back...if this is the truth we'll never know.

  5. Ask Bush

  6. The Arab at the controls.  Remember?  He rolled it over and pulled on the yoke.

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