
What (or who) is more real?

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Jesus, allah and god


the easter bunny, santa and the tooth fairy




  1. Not all trolls ask how to become a mermaid, some ask even more idiotic question.  Let the thumbs down begin, it doesn't require an IQ beyond single digits to do that.

  2. I'll go with Santa. He's brought me things before.

  3. You poor misguided child. The true trinity is Flying Spaghetti Monster the father, Invisible Pink Unicorn the Holy Ghost, and Chocolate Jesus, the delicious martyr son, whose caramel was sacrificed to save you of sin.

    The least you could do is accept him into your stomach.

  4. All equal.

  5. They're all on a pretty equal playing field really.

    Except, no one ever kills anyone in the name of the tooth fairy...

  6. all equally unreal

  7. Umm Allah is not really a separate entity than God. It's just what people of the Islamic faith call their God, just like Jews call their God Hashem.

    And although I've come to realize that I don't think I believe in anything you said, I think that you worded your question in quite a disrespectful manner. I get the point you're trying to get across but still....You're going to offend a lot of people and brew unnecessary anger.

  8. God, or Allah, has been believed for a long time. In reality we don't know the ultimate question of our existence in this universe: is there a God, or "central brain or mind" directing our universe? And if so, what is it in reality? I can't answer that.  

    Jesus may have existed. Some claim he never. However the surrounding circunstances in how Christianity came about and, not only that, finally conquered the brutal and powerful Roman Empire makes me think that there are some truths of his possible existence. And I am no Christian fundamentalist. The rest like Easter bunny, Santa or fairies, whatever they are, are balonies.

    P.D.: Notice I did not mention if Jesus resurrected or not. And I have no intention in getting in debates with more militant atheists. Of course they are free to believe in God or not. Is their problem.

  9. Jesus and allah may have existed the rest never existed.  

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