
What or who is she talking about.....?

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sometimes, when a death is reported in the news, where it looks as if pieces had to come together by fate to form the person's end, i.e. they took a different route to work and end up in a car crash, when they took another route for years and were safe.

she says it's this spirit/entity/being. i can't remember the name though, but i have only heard HER mention him/it.

she says its his doing, taking the people, setting their deaths in motion.

the name is something like Oedipus or Cerberus, something like that, where its one word, but it SOUNDS supernatural.

another person she sometimes mentions of "father time" who apparently meets you when you die, with what i've recently learnt though, i think she means St. Peter.




  1. Gee Chrissy poo tin foil hat boy why didnt you instruct them on how the devil and his demons fly around in UFO's to confuse the Christians.. Come on now Chris explain it,,,Is this where you obtained your information on tin foil hats and the UFO Satan

    Babu Ranganathan

    Deceiving The Elect


    The Bible teaches that Satan and his demons (the fallen angels) can take on take all sorts of shapes and perform all sorts of miracles in order to deceive mankind. In fact, some who have been claimed to be abducted by aliens say that these aliens have told them things that undermine the truth of the Christian Scriptures and the Person and work of Jesus Christ

    This is not say that God cannot create life on other planets, but the point being made here is that the supposed alien contacts popularly mentioned are not actual alien beings at all but the work of dark supernatural forces.

    The Christian Gospel is unique, unlike any other religious teaching. That in itself is powerful evidence of its true and divine origin. The Christian Scriptures teach that man can never earn his salvation and that salvation is only by the grace (undeserved act) of God through faith in Jesus Christ, God's eternal and only begotten Son Who paid for our sins on the Cross through His suffering and death and Who rose bodily from the grave after three days.

    'For by grace are ye saved through faith and that not of yourselves: It is the gift of God, not of works lest any man should boast (Ephesians 2:8-9).

  2. wow....Wha are you smoking? I'm sure it was still green and was not mature enough.

  3. Who is "she?" I think she needs therapy.

  4. "conspiracy of fate" can also be referred to as the metaphysical concept which Federico Garcia Lorca, a spanish poet/dramatist, referred to it as Duende. It's there is many traditional folk stories/tales but where I see it most visible is within the "dark" ideas central to the film Pan's Labyrinth

    Best of all I can give you the (translated) words of Lorca:-

    maybe the spirit SHE mentioned is that of "Duende"?

    Duende plays out in repeating cycles, and often causes the dying to see their follies, and the death is often a parody of such folly. Perhaps this is father time replaying time..

  5. Well it could be Azrael who is considered the angel of death in Christian mythology.

    If it's Greek-sounding it could be Thanatos, the god of death.

    But there are tons of names in different cultures.  I hope either of these help.

  6. Peter doesn't meet anyone at death.

    The truth is that death brings immediate heaven or h**l, depending only on whether the person believed the Gospel of Jesus Christ in this life or not.  So to avoid h**l, believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ, that is the only way to avoid h**l, and to be in heaven when you die.

    The Gospel of Jesus Christ is this: The truth is that the only way to be saved and to get into heaven and avoid being sent to eternal h**l is by believing in faith alone that Jesus, who is God, died for our sins on the cross and rose from the dead (1 Corinthians 15:1-4). Believe this and you are saved!

    Please pray now: "Jesus, please forgive me of my sins. I believe that You died on the cross for my sins and You rose from the dead. Thank You for eternal life!" You will be in heaven with Him forever when you die. :)

  7. Who or what is "She"?

    No-one meets you when you die.  You close your eyes to this life, and immediately open them before Jesus in heaven, if you are a Christian. If you are not, you will not be going to heaven.  

  8. dead ppl dont talk.....but demons can pretend to be the ones you lost

    we cant tell much from this

  9. God made everything planned out, but Satan is s******g those plans.

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