
What or who was the last person that made you angry and what did they do that made you mad?

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What or who was the last person that made you angry and what did they do that made you mad?




  1. The ***** that stole my cab at the supermarket (I let her know it too)

    My boyfriend-I asked his *** to pick up medicine for my son and he said "no"

  2. No one can MAKE you angry unless you are a puppet.

    Anger is a choice.

    I get angry about injustice

  3. This newspaper article made me angry.

  4. A particular prosecutor planted false evidence and lied to win her case.   I did not know they could do that and not be reprimanded even when caught.  I will never be on a jury again.  

  5. my sister ... the ***** swore at my husband then said she was going to kill me!

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