
What ordinary, everyday item reminds you of hockey in a not-so-ordinary way? Why? Some sort of inside joke?

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What ordinary, everyday item reminds you of hockey in a not-so-ordinary way? Why? Some sort of inside joke?




  1. Room Numbers in school..

  2. Haha, whenever I look at my yearbook because they put in pictures of people who do sports outside of school (We got a frisbee picture i there, but they wouldn't put our hockey one in) and there was a random kid who no one knew who was playing hockey. It was no one in our school and everyone was baffled. Also, you could tell they didn't play in an organized league (other than NHL, of course) because they had no visor or cage on their helmet.

  3. Everyday item?

    I would say the picture of my ex!!! Then I reminded myself of what I would be rather doing right now instead of her!!


  4. For me, it's not an item, it's a song...

    "Animal I Have Become" by Three Days Grace.

    However, it's sad for me now, in that the two players it reminds me of the most are no longer with the team. At NBT6, the local concert that our radio station has every year, Dan Boyle was on stage to introduce Three Days Grace, they opened with that song, and I had the opportunity to meet him an hour or so later. Also in the crowd that day was Brad Lukowich, I believe- he's a big 3DG fan as well.

    Gonna miss them both, but that song always makes me think of them.

  5. license plates

    My friends and I took a road trip from Nashville to Chicago last season.  To pass the time we made the numbers on the plates relate to players on the Predators and made the letters represent words that related to inside jokes about the team and our players.  The 8 hour trip flew by.

  6. My monitor. Go figure.

  7. My mailbox.

    My best friend receives a newspaper different from mine and she reads it in the morning, then puts the hockey section in my mailbox every morning on her way to work.

  8. My bottle of Fabreeze. It reminds me of my hockey gear and that I need to spray It down.

  9. A broom and octopii

  10. lol

    I went to Sam's Club today and got an already cooked chicken, which reminded me of hockey(courtesy of Erica).

    Oven chicken -> ovenchkin -> Ovechkin

  11. My uncle...

    He loves hockey and on his wedding day him and his wife walked in with the HNIC theme song!It was pretty funny because the bride was running in heels cause the beat of the song is pretty fast!


    wait my uncle is no item! so then his wedding picture!

    i guess!

  12. My 92 Crown Vic with 200,000 miles on it... Kind of like Chris Chelios...beat to c**p but somehow still going!! Go Hawks!!!!!!! Detroit still sucks!!!!!!

  13. Our copy of "Finding Nemo".  When I played floor hockey in high school, the chant "Shark Bait" "Oo Ha Ha" was our team's chant.  Now I can't watch the movie without thinking about those games, lol.

  14. my toaster. it reminds me again and again how my leafs are toast if they dont do this rebuilding plan right.

  15. every morning when I wake up after I let my dog out to go potty and come back in to go potty my self, I think of the Ducks.  they are just burned into my brain, the like third thing that I do every morning is go onto the Ducks website mainly checking if there is news about Teemu.  also when I go to bed every night, my wall of Ducks stuff is the last thing that I see, I have all of my tickets there, team photos, motivational sayings, and of course my picture of Luongo flat on his stomach after the series winning goal by Scotty (it is signed by Rob) it reads... "ATTENTIVENESS The second you stop paying attention... Game Over".

  16. Dude, I live in Toronto. EVERYTHING reminds me of hockey. If you ever come up, I'll show you around; you'll see what I mean. lol

  17. Old, weird, french singing ladies.

  18. my parents wedding picture- my dad plays hockey and his teamates were holding sticks over the aisle to make a kind of canopy thing

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