
What organ would this be?

by  |  earlier

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It's not a muscle, I'd be able to tell... but what actual organs are on either side of your belly button? Go past your abs, and then under them a little... Anyone know?




  1. If there's one on each side it's your kidneys. However it could also be your ascending and descending colons. (Large intestines)

  2. your kidneys aren't the only thing that it could be...even though its on both sides it could be ur appendix. when your appendix ruptures it hurts on both sides and makes you really  sick. i am not saying its not your kidneys but as far as i know your kidneys or at the bottom of your back

  3. Your kidneys. : P yuck!!!

  4. Yes; it is your kidneys.

    Here's a few tips to keep your Kidneys healthy:

    Drink plenty of water! Aim for at least 2 L (about 8 glasses) of water daily. If you are exercising, you'll need to drink extra, as your body will lose some fluid through perspiration and therefore this fluid will not pass through your kidneys.

    Keep a healthy body weight. Recent studies show that weight gain and obesity increase your risk of forming a kidney stone.

    Consume a diet that has normal dietary amounts of calcium and is low in salt and animal protein.

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