
What organisation is determined to eliminate all life on earth?

by  |  earlier

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I would like to end all human life. Unfortunately I can't punish those responsible for crimes comitted against me, but I am determined to take as many people with me to h**l as I can.

I need advice on what organisation to join. I want to be more than a suicide bomber. I want the world to die, I want to destroy babies men and women for crimes comitted against me.




  1. Maybe some conselling will help you overcome your feelings, or at least let you come to terms with them & then you may find the road to inner healing/peace.

    If people have committed crimes against you, the justice system may help ~ take your gripes to the authorities & the perpetrators could be punished through the legal system. That may give you some kind of recompense & help you put these things behind you, so you can go forward with your life.

    I wish you luck.

  2. You need some anger counseling.

    Not everyone is responsible for your problems, it is whoever did them to you and yourself.  

  3. Stop thinking about what has been done to you, Start thinking about what you have done to others. And try and make amends

  4. de tox your body of drugs

  5. Join Global Warming Ranks!

  6. Join one of those peace makers...they are extremely warlike and if they will decide to fight for Peace..that would be most bloody fight ever known  

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