
What organization or program did you have your kids in as they grew up that you are thankful for now?

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This is for older parents....whose kids are grown.

For us it has been boy scouts.... My sons have saved the lives of over 6 people through the years since they left home. They said that all the training that they had during scouts in thier teen years taught them what they used to save those people.

Saved 3 people from drowning

1 from bleeding to death from an oil rig accident

2 from car wrecks.

We are thankful for boys scouts!!!!!!!!!




  1. It sounds like the Boy Scouts has worked for you!  I have contact with a group of Scouts through my church, and they are doing a great job of preparing the youngsters for life!

    In our family, 4H was a really good experience.  The lady who headed the group -- Valley Allen -- was just exceptional!  She got the best from everyone who participated!  

    Kudos to those folks who work with these kids!

    Be Prepared!  Wow!  Your sons are awesome!

  2. I'm going to answer this for my mom.

    The one thing she always said she was glad she got me into was swim lessons. She had a young cousin drown, so she was afraid for me and my sister. While I am not the best swimmer, I know how.

  3. I was in Girl Scouts, went to Vacation Bible school, was in all types of band. I think all programs had beneficial effects on my life as an adult.

    I hope my son can also be very involved in the community also!

  4. answering for my moma: school track team....befor i entered i was well to say the least "TROUBLE" but it helped straighten me out alot!!!  if it wasnt for trak i would have ended up pregnant at13 or in a gang...

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