
What organs,tissues,& cells make up the circulatory system?

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What organs,tissues,& cells make up the circulatory system?




  1. Heart, blood vessels, white blood cells, red blood cells...

  2. circulatory system (pulmonary, coronary and systemic circuit) consist of the HEART, ARTERIES, VEINS AND CAPILLARIES.

  3. heart, veins , arteries, capilleries are the organs involved in circulatory system.

  4. Going with the general consensus the HEART, LUNGS, VEINS AND ARTERIES and CAPILLARIES

    But if you go deeper, you have muscle cells in the heart. I the veins and arteries you have the elastic fibers and collagen.

    when you breath air travels down the trachea to the bronchus, where it first enters the lung. From the bronchus, air goes through the bronchi, into the even smaller bronchioles and lastly into the alveoli. So there are some other parts of the lungs you can include.  

  5. Heart, veins and arteries and capillaries

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