
What otc medications can cause you to fail a drug test?

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My friend had a drug test and he showed positive for cocaine. I know for a fact he isn't doing cocaine. I know that there are some medications over the counter that can create false positives for a urine analysis test.I know that benzoylecgonine is a metabolite of cocaine. His urine analysis test showed that in his system. I just need to know all the over the counter medications that contain benzoylecgonine, or that could possibly give you a false positive for cocaine.




  1. Google "false postive cocaine test"

    I dont have a webpage, but I remember seeing that certain medical conditions such as diabetes, liver disease and a couple of others would cause a false positive.  I dont know if it was something about the disease or the medicine, or if it was even true, but...

    Of course, the catch 22 is that in order to beat the positive test, he will have to PROVE that it was a false positve.  He will either have to have the same sample tested at a different lab show negative, or he will have to prove through a doctor that he has a disease or was on a medication that could cause a false positive.  Which means that finding something over the counter that will show a false pos isnt going to do anything but be aware of it next time.

  2. Alieve caused me to test positive for methadone!  Darn good thing that my workplace and family know me better.  After that I have told my friends that are applying for jobs to go to a private clinic for a private test so you can see what results you may have. I live in Alaska and these Prudoe Bay jobs pay very well and a false positive can cost a job.  Pay extra for a private pre-test so you can avoid any OTC meds and flush your body out.  Hope this helps you.

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