
What other activities do you provide in a preschool to encourage children to socialise with adults and others?

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What other activities do you provide in a preschool to encourage children to socialise with adults and others?




  1. I don't think preschool really teaches socialization with adults, more like respect and how to listen. This is done through the daily interaction with adults as authority figures in the classroom. As far as socialization with their peers they are again taught respect for others and for themselves. In a good classroom they will be encouraged to share, but not made to share. Also they are given jobs and tasks through out the day that gives them skills in interacting with others.

  2. Take your child to public places- the park, swimming pools, walking in your local area, even Mc Donald's.  You can sign up for Mommy and me classes at community colleges close to you.  Many of them have classes available on the weekends, if you're a working mom.  It doesn't necessarily have to Mommy and Me classes, they also offer a variety of child center classes- music, art, dance.....try them, and enjoy!

  3. Every and anything can be use for socialising:


    ~Walk about

    ~Tabel top games

    ~Outdoor Play

    ~Snack Time...

    Socialising can be broken down into:

    ~being with others

    ~playing alongside others

    ~Playing WITH others

    ~Communicating a need/want

    ~Freely communicating

    ~Sharing resources

    ~Turn taking

    ~Listening and responding...

  4. By communicating with the child in any activities such as drawing we could ask about their drawing and also include other children who are on the table, getting the children involved such as what colours they may want to used and ask the children if they have any ideas,this lead to more communications .  With qualified staff the children will learn with help and also make new friends. All planning is done in mind of getting all children involved in the activities, we are all guided by the stepping stones from the curriculum in preschool setting so that all children will/supported in the setting

  5. Home corner, playdough table for quiet play, themed games like playing buses lining chairs up and taking turns to drive, games where they can share and take turns story corner maybe ask an adult (parent) to come and read at story time and get children to help hand snacks around at snack time

  6. Things like play-dough and clay is a great way to encourage socialising. Also drawing and books as you can encourage children to take part in the story and point out pictures, pull flaps etc, and with drawing, you can talk about families which is an individual child's interest and comfort.

    Depending on the child's prefernces, they may prefere small, large or 1:1 groups, which you can arrange activities of interest to the child and plan it to fit the group size they prefer. Find out children's interests at home and bring that into the setting, also comforters and toys from home will encourage them to speak as its there possession and they are usually eager to tell you about them. Pets are a great way, especially if the child can take it home, or even a teddy if you haven't the facilities to cater for a pet, but you can have a book which gets sent home with the pet, and the child and parent can write where the pet has been and whats its played with, etc, which will encourage the child to talk about there experience of looking after the pet and give them a sense of belonging and pride.

  7. If you are so worried about encouraging your children to socialise with adults, have you ask yourself first:

    For what do you want them to do that?, I mean Why do YOU want that?

    A teachear of mine says "all of us were born social, but not all of us are willing to socialise"

    In another order of ideas, chidren play many times to be "grown ups"...

  8. I just finished doing a few days of prac, and my teacher had this great activity to start off the day with. For about half an hour the kids would do an activity with their parents, and the teacher and TA would stand aside and assist if necessary. The activity would usually corresponds with the weeks theme. This would start the day off really well for most of the kids, and barely any showed any evidence of separation anxiety.

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