
What other artists should I teach about?

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I want to give my son a well rounded appreciation of the arts when we homeschool, so he will be having an art class. (Plus it's a requirement for KY core content guidelines) anyway, so far I have lessons on Picasso and cubism, Impressionists, Renoir, Surrealism, Salvador Dali (even though I don't like him, my son should at least have a passing knowledge of him) and Rembrandt. What other artists should I touch upon?




  1. I don't know how old your son is and this may seem kind of beneath his age, but Baby Einstein has a book called "The ABC's of Art".  Each page shows a different work of art whose subject is related to a letter of the alphabet.  It uses a mix of classical and modern artists.  The questions in the book would be to babyish, but it has a good variety of art with the artists name and year.  It could be a jumping off point.

    I don't know where you are in Kentucky, but you could try to make the trip to Louisville to visit the Speed Art Museum and Kentucky Center for the Arts, which has some interesting sculpture pieces in the main lobby.  Some of the universities have smaller galleries for student art, such as Western Kentucky University.  And I have heard that Paducah has drawn a lot of artists who have formed a community involved in textile arts.

    I am originally from Kentucky, and the art class requirement must relatively new.  Or otherwise my school considered coloring pictures as filling the requirement.  ;-)

  2. You didn't mention any of the Renaissance artists like Michelangelo, Da Vinci, etc.  Also, you may want to teach about some modern artists like Warhol and Basquiat.

  3. frida kahlo

    diego rivera

    van gogh

    edvard munch

    da vinci

    michael angelo

  4. Picasso.

    You might want to get into Grandma Moses but I don't like her or her art myself.

  5. If this is just for one year, that's probably plenty!

  6. van gough?

  7. Some other periods/movements and some corresponding artists:


    Early Medieval


    Baroque - Caravaggio/Carracci/Hals

    Roccocco - Watteau

    Neo-Classicism - Jacques-Louis David

    Romanticism - Turner/Wiertz

    Pre-Raphaelite - Leighton/Hunt/Waterhouse

    (This is by no means a complete list but maybe an idea of some of the major periods you don't seem to have on your list.)

    Also - a brief overview of Middle-Eastern and Asian art as these aren't typically covered in our western art history classes.

    Some really great sites for resources:

    Hope these help somewhat - sounds like a lot of fun! Good Luck!

  8. Try the Mike Venezia book series, "Getting to Know the World's Greatest Artists".  Your library should have at least a few.

    Here are the artists we've studied:

    All the ones you listed, plus:

    Henri Matisse

    Grant Wood

    Diego Rivera

    Georgia O'Keefe

    Louis Comfort Tiffany

    Helen Frankenthaler

    Andy Warhol

    Vincent Van  Gogh

    Claude Monet

    Edgar Degas

    Paul Gauguin

    Paul Cezanne

    Pieter Brueghel

    Albrecht Durer

    Edward Hopper

    Jacob Lawrence

    Jan Vermeer

    Sofonisba Anguissola

    Michelangelo Buonarroti

    Mary Cassat


    Winslow Homer


    Faith Ringgold

    Henry Ossawa Tanner


    Grandma Moses

    Rembrant Peale

    James Audubon

    Frederic Church

    Paul Klee

    Frank Lloyd Wright

    ...and many more

    Also we study architecture and ancient art from around the world and native americans.

  9. The Rainbow Resource catalog has a ton of series' of great artists.  At one time, I had used these to create a list.  You might also check what Ambleside Online (A Charlotte Mason "curriculum") has.  They study different artists every "quarter" and have previous and future lists on their site here:

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