
What other book is Breaking Dawn modeled after besides A Midsummer Night's Dream?

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I saw an interview with Stephenie Meyer, where she said that Breaking Dawn is modeled after two classics. She said one was A Midsummer Nights Dream, but she said that she could not say what the other book was. It was an older interview so I was wondering if anyone knew what the other book was.




  1. I say Harry Potter because of the love-shield thing and supposed "sacrifice".  Personally, I think Smeyer has no right to compare her work with Shakespeare, seeing as A Midsummer Night's Dream is nothing like Breaking Dawn at all.  I'm actually very interested in why she thinks this.

  2. Let's clear up some confusion (and some Stephenie Meyer bashing that has been going on in these answers thus far):

    A Midsummer Night's Dream is about (on the very basic level) a love triangle that is "cured" through magic.  Think about the Bella-Edward-Jacob eternal love triangle.  Renesmee comes along, Jake imprints and BOOM the triangle is magically cured.  That is the Midsummer Night's Dream reference.

    The other is The Merchant of Venice.  Notice that Alice wrote her notes on pages from Bella's copy of the Merchant of Venice.  This was Meyer giving her readers some clues and hints as to what was coming.  She was setting us up for the conflict of with the Volturi--setting us up for a legal battle (a battle of words and wits) instead of a physical fight.

    Stephenie Meyer never compared herself to Shakespeare (or any other great classics writer) in terms of style or talent.  She simple said that she drew inspiration and had parallels to the themes and stories of these works.

  3. I don't know what book she was referring to and I am a fan of classics. I have to say Breaking Dawn is nothing like A Midsummer Nights Dream!!!!!!!!

  4. Merchant of Venice

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