
What other breeds of dogs did Michael Vick have?

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I watched the show on Animal Planet last night about the investigation and the dogs, but it said that there were (I think) about 53 APBT's and about 10 other dogs. Does anyone know what breed they were?




  1. I tried to look it up, but couldn't find any details on the other breeds, everyone just says pitbull terriers and other breeds. I didn't get to finish this article on Wiki, my 9 month old daughter kept trying to hit the keys on my lap top.

  2. I believe I read something about a few skiddish small dogs found on the property.  Maybe mixed breeds, but they never said, which were probably used as bait dogs.  

  3. Micheal Vick likes dog fighting he shouldint have a dog

  4. I DVR'd it so I plan on watching it tonight!!

    ADD** I watched it last night...great program, they didnt however say the other types of dogs breeds

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