
What other categories do you go to besides adolescent?

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What other categories do you go to besides adolescent?




  1. Rock and Pop

  2. Baby names, Polls & Surveys, Paranormal Phemomenon, Horoscopes, and Women's Health


  3. ice skating, celebrities, and some others but not often.

  4. i go for the health

  5. Gender & Womens Studies, Cultures & Groups, Polls & Surveys, Talk Shows, and Rap & Hip Hop

  6. entertainment t.v.shows reality, baby names

  7. Health especially diabetes because my brother is diabetic

    and sometimes Homework help  

  8. Polls & Surveys and Baseball

  9. beauty and style

    rap and hip-hop

    r&b and soul

    polls and surveys

    baby names

  10. Polls & Surveys, Paranormal Phenomenon, and Books & Authors.

    I'm a nerd. xP  

  11. polls & surveys

    rock & pop




    books & authors

  12. my main category is polls and surveys

    i go all around tho..



    fast food


    women's health

    society and culture

    i was even in elections one day

  13. Polls & Surveys

    Diet & Fitness

    Beauty & Style


  14. adolescent is my favorite...

    i also go to polls & surveys, beauty and fashion

  15. The only other thing I do is work from the homepage. I like this section too much =]

  16. Loads. I like Ireland for asking and sometimes answering, I don't go to any specific category, I mainly ask. =]

  17. Polls & Surveys, Parenting, Toddler & Preschool, Rock and Pop.

  18. Rap & Hip Hop, Pops and Suryes, Women's Health, and etc.

  19. Polls & Surveys, Makeup, Baby Names, Pregnancy, and Performing Arts. ♥

  20. I go to:

    Beauty and style.

    Poll and surveys.


    and internet youtube.

  21. p&s

    women's health

    men's ealth (sometimes)

    singles & dating

    fashion & accessories

    other beauty &style

    jokes and riddles

    baby names (sometimes)

    and that's about it

  22. I'm mainly in adolescent or military.

  23. Polls and Surveys; Friends; Parenting; Other-Pregnancy or Parenting

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