
What other countries in the world have an NHS?

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What other countries in the world have an NHS?




  1. Afghanistan*, Argentina, Austria, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Cuba, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iraq*, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Oman, Portugal, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Sweden, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Ukraine and the United Kingdom And Dude It Universal Health Care  

  2. Canada has Medicare?

  3. None exactly the same.

    But free health care is available in the Scandinavian countries, Cuba and New Zealand

  4. In the western world only America and that is the way we want to keep it It's the same deal as Kyoto ''only America'' How that working out for y'all? .............Sorry can't resist it's so much fun

  5. I work in the NHS.

    Cuba has a better healthcare system than the UK. (See Michael Moore's film Sicko [source 3]).

    The NHS is wonderful, but unfortunately it is being slowly opened up to private companies. We need to fight to make sure that it is kept free at the point of need, and funded centrally. Otherwise multinational healthcare companies will take bits over - indeed a lot has already been handed over.

    Nye Bevan - "The NHS will exist for as long as folk are prepared to fight for it".

    See the keep our nhs public website [source 1] on threats to the NHS and the socialist party website for a history of the NHS by Dr Jackie Grunsell (Save Huddersfield NHS councillor) [source 2]

  6. I didn't think anywhere else did, that's why they all come over here!

  7. America does not have an NHS equivalent!!  They all have to have insurance.

    I think countries like Sweden, Switzerland, France, Germany etc.

  8. None, aren't they lucky?. Their citizens will live just that bit longer with no NHS blunders and cover ups.  

  9. What other countries allow free care and access to health care at the point of need?

    I think most advanced nations offer the same or similair, admitedly not quite the 'free for all' our system has become, but a system based on need not money. (scandinavia, france, are two examples i am aware of)

    I dont imagine anyone is an expert on this so good luck .

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