
What other economic systems/ vision could we explore for the US? Something beyond Communism vs. Capitalism?

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It seems like we are stuck on Communism vs. Capitalism. Meanwhile, are new, viable, economic models emerging? Could we be missing opportunities/innovations by framing every debate with Com vs. Cap, like we are on two opposing teams? This is important since our economy is tanking per the press and the startled looks on peoples faces in the grocery store and at the gas station. Please share your alternate economic vision that will serve our citizens here in the USA? Be creative. Please think outside the box.




  1. Hi.

    Each of the models you have mention it is based on a different philosophy. Capitalims is based on the idea that by individuals thinking and looking for the best of their own interests eventually benefits the group as a whole, while comunism is based on the opposite, where it is believe that by helping the other you are helping the group as a whole, and therefore yourself (i.e. in one we have to give aways to a certain degree our "freedom"  for the good of society, while the other fuels our "freedom" so we can consume as much as a living creature can consume). So if looked at it in this manner the models has to be based either in black or in white, so therefore they will not differ much from the current models. I guess that a mid point between both is the best for the world we cuerrently live in!

    Also, notice that the manner in which you applied a model is also important, as both can be aplied with represion or with out it. E.g, URSS had highly propaganda contaminated local media and repression to establish communism. EEUU invade and kill innocent to establish capitalism, and has high manipulated media.

    Personally, I believe that though communism failed in the past, with new technology, especially in the communication industry, it would be more possible to apply it. And I also believe that if succesfully applied it is better in the long term for HUMANITY, as under current capitalist consumism, we will require 10 planets like us to sostain us.

    Keep in mind that in the name of our right to freedom we are currently consuming as much as possible, even if we have to get into dept for it, though produccing an "intergenerational inequity". What about the rights of the future generations, regardless from them being Americans, russians, black or white, christians, jew or muslims.... all will pay the costs of our current capitalism system, capitalims accelerates the end of mankind by not putting control on our actions, and if we need to cut consumism (capitalist freedom) in order to guaranty the perpetuation of the species, why not then??

    (I know the last part has less to do with your question, sorry!!)

  2. Whatever models emerge.. I wish it recuperates from the loss and emerge as economic superpower once again

  3. Excellent queston that really shows a deep understanding of the world around us.  It really isn't comm vs cap actually, since we do business with many fine dictatorships in the world.  It's a matter of stability vs instability.  You might say that media is driving the capitalism you loath so much by selling you fear, which you are for some reason eager to buy....which encourages them to print more of it.  If you would demand a fair press, rather than demand some kind of football team, we would be much better off.  And if you would stop buying the fear, then you wouldn't have any, and you would become the fine parent someday that we need to get us out of the soup.  Thanks for pitching into to help.

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