
What other energy sources other than Fossil Fules that can be nonpollutable?

by Guest63849  |  earlier

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Other than "Hydorelectri Energy" "Air Energy" and "UnderWater Energy"




  1. Space.

    All that sunlight being radiated out by the sun is mostly wasted.

    Hydrogen is common in free form in space. On Neptune it exists on the surface in crystal form.

  2. oh there's a lot of to think energy can be used, or rather its better to say is used in some nations like Japan to be used for cooking as huge reflectors in roofs, in running vehicles as plates over the head of the car, etc

    wind energy is used in grinding mills, nuclear energy can bring really a very immense difference but its use in bombs & armaments throw it to the destructive list, anyways a brilliant brain of urs, dude.....

  3. Solar energy, which can be used in two ways, as Solar Thermal energy which uses the heat of the Sun, or Solar Photovoltaic energy which uses the Sun's light.

    You may also have a number of different types of Marine energy such as Tidal Energy, Wave Energy, and Deep Water Heat Pumps which rely on the temperature gradient between warm surface water and colder deep water.

    There is also a method of extracting energy from the movement of mountain and ice-cap glaciers.

    Finally there are several types of Geo-Thermal Energy, which use the internal heat of the Earth in areas where there are volcanoes, geysers, hydro-thermal vents, hot springs and hot mud pools.


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