
What other fish/animals/amphibians etc... can i put in my 3000 gallon koi pond in Pennsylvania?

by  |  earlier

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i am new to ponds but i have done all my research.

during the next two weeks i will be constructing this pond in my yard. about a week after construction is done i am going to add a few common goldfish that i already have inside the house in my goldfish tank. a week after that i am going to add 5 koi. and maybe a couple of bullfrog tadpoles. is there anything else that i could add to this pond? it will be extremely well filtered and oxygenated too.

thank you soo much!!!




  1. well first off i just wanted to say that i am impressed by your pond build i myself- only 13 years years old too, but it was only about 300 gallons, but i love ponding and am now building a koi pond also, but not nearly as large as yours, but anyway the bullfrog tadpoles is a good idea, i think you might consider turtles, they might eat like 1inch feeder goldfish but otherwise they are really interesting, they are really neat too see swimming but need acces out such as a shallow level with climbing access to rocks or logs to bask on. you said only five koi but especially if you buy them relatively small 4-5" for 6.00 each, you may want more so that you can see them. plants are also very beautiful and essential, water lillies will bloom during the summer and provid needed shade for the pond and fish. if little shade algae will invade! one of the most interesting plants is water hyacinth, it has interesting leaves and it floats on the surface with many roots that rest just below the water and filter as well as many filters, they multiply relatively fast and will be very fun plants. here is a link to a picture of the plant...

  2. common goldfish will go along with shubunkins, comets, jikin, wakin and koi.   More koi will be good there are lots of varieties of koi butterfly koi, doitsu.

    kOi keeper & goldfish keeper

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