
What other fish can I add to my tank?

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I have an 11 gallon tank that I want to fill up with more fish. Currently I have the following in the tank.

5 guppies (not sure about gender as they are young but im pretty sure 3 are females and 2 are males)

4 Neon Tetras

1 Bottom Feeder fish (not sure of kind but he is tan and about 1 1/2 inches long at the most)

1 Bottom Feeder shrimp (White with brown/tan markings and about 1 1/2 inches long)

My fish are all very healthy right now, and I keep them in good conditions. However, I want to add more fish, possibly colorful ones, that will enhance my tanks appearance and make it enjoyable to watch. It has a filter, heater, bubbler, and many plants, everything to keep it working good. I keep the temperature at 75-80 degrees farenheit, so any fish that will fit that temperature span. Also, if you have suggestions for bottom feeders I could add please say so. If you have any suggestions please share them! Thank you!




  1. just about any community fish can go in there, mini gourami , danio , any kind of tetra , sword tail , non of these will get very big or over aggressive  

  2. you shouldn't have fish/inverts you cannot identify. ID your "bottom feeder", could he be a pleco? maybe a corydora catfish?

    Or maybe a kind of loach? This is vital to work out whether it will grow too large for your tank, or need companions of its own kind.

    All peaceful shrimp also need company of their own kind, yours is possibly an Amano Shrimp.

    I would ID what you have, maybe add 2 more neons as they do best in groups of 6 or more. Once you have your ID's you can work out whether you're fully stocked or overstocked.

  3. Your tank is over full already.   Especially with breeding guppies in the  tank.  Don't add any more fish.  

  4. id get more neons  

  5. Sorry, everyone who said your tank is already full is right.  You have fish that like to be in groups in too small of numbers, but too many fish in total.   Neons should be kept in groups of 5-6 or more as they are schooling fish and get stressed and nip fins if they can't school properly.  Cory catfish are very social fish and do best in groups of 3 or more.  Guppies should always be kept in a ratio of 2 females for each male or the males will chase around the females so much they can stress them to death with their constant breeding demands.  All shrimp do better in small groups or "colonies".  

    You need to choose which are your favorite fish and get the correct numbers of those fish and take back some of the others.  Either that, or get a 30 gallon tank.  You cannot get a small tank (yes, 11 gallons is a small tank) and then expect to fill it with a wide variety of colorful fish.  Not unless you just get a bunch of different colored male guppies.  Even then you should just keep it down to 7 or 8.  So, the real answer to your question is, no fish.  Get a 30 gallon tank and you can get a few platies, swordtails and glofish.

  6. Well your tank is already full if you get another or a larger tank than you can add more fish

  7. nothing.... if i were you id be more concerned with the fact that your 2 neons short of their comfort zone, your bottom feeder will probably get WAY too huge, and in a few weeks youll have about 300 guppies.... pleazse return the guppies of one gender to the store and get all the same gender! well, unless you want to deal with 100 babies about twice a month that is.... well good luck and iu hope everyhting works out=]

  8. You only have an 11 gallon tank.   Guppys need space to allow their fantails to reach their full potential, and guppys can reach up to 2.5".  Also, all fish need space.  I would invest in a larger tabk if you want more fish.

  9. i think that 2 more goldfish would be appropriate

  10. I would get two more neons and possibly get 3 more corys. That depends if you have good filteration and do weekly 25% water changes every week. I agree that the shrimp is probably Amano, and they need companions too. Other then that you're full. I would listen to Strange Cookie and return the guppies and get all male (or female) so you don't need to worry about a few fry surviving.

  11. It sounds like your tank is pretty full already. The only thing I can suggest would be a few ghost shrimp. They do enough cleaning of excess food that they have little impact on your bioload.

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