
What other fish can i add to my tank...

by Guest64606  |  earlier

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Right now, i have a moors goldfish (black one with telescope eyes) and 2 cory catfish that have been in the tank for awile now. I was thinking about getting a few new fish. I have a 20 gal. tank. I dont want another goldfish, though. What other fish go with them?




  1. If you have a heater, you can go with 3 of any community, non agressive fish. If you don't have a heater, I would buy one and the tropical fish.  

  2. 1 goldfish needs 20 gallons by itself so remove the catfish into a ten gallon or take on or the other back to the store. Goldfish can only be kept with goldfish!

  3. Bring the goldfish back to the store. Goldfish need a much larger tank than that, and they really don't do well in tropical community tanks.

    Get a few more corydoras - aim for a school of 5 or 6 at least.

    Then consider what you want for the upper levels of the tank. Corys mostly stick around the bottom and the middle, so to balance it out, get fish that will stay in the middle or top.

    If you want lots of smaller fish, get a school of 6+ small tetras.

    If you'd prefer a larger fish, a gourami would be a good choice.

    I had a good 20 gallon setup with:

    8 corys

    1 blue gourami

    3 otos

    3 cherry barbs

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