
What other fish can i keep with oscar cichlids ??? ?

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i have a 90 gallon tank with 2 5inch albino oscars and 2 bristlenose plecos i also have a 30 gallon tank with 2 breeding pairs of convict cichlids

i want to add somethign more ot my 90 gallons but i dont know what i did some research and i found that oscars can be kept with silver dollar,bichirs,tinfoil barbs,knifefish,and other similar sized cichlid

so what other fish can i keep??i though about maybe gold or green severum cichlid maybe a chocolate ciclid i really like those pike cichlids but im afriad that my oscars will eat them since they are "long" not "tall"




  1. Just remember that hungry oscars will eat anything that will fit in their mouth, for the most part.  If you keep them well fed the problem is greatly reduced, but still a possibility.  You have a good list here, but nothing is ever a definite when live fish are involved, so trial and error is the only way you will probably get all the fish in a community tank to survive.  Just don't get to disappointed if your fish end up with an expensive meal sometimes!  Good luck and enjoy your fish.

  2. oscars like only other could put some feeder minnows in there for color...whatever you put in there they will eat or mame anyway...cause thats the way they are...aggressive..oscars get so big so fast too...being as how your oscars are so small now feeder fish will work for a while and can get pretty big..those ruby reds i believe are the name of them..they get big as cigars!

  3. geez i really have no idea

  4. There are a large number of options here, even more so due to the size of your fish. Silver Dollars, Tin Foil Barbs, Red Hooks, almost any type of Loach or Botia, if you can find some, full grown adult sized Tetra's, Bala Sharks, larger growning catfish like a Pictus are just some of the more easy possiblities here.

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