
What other fish can i mix with my three silver bala sharks in my 100 gallon tank ??????

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i want to go to the pet store today,, but i want to know what other fishes could i mix with my silver bala sharks !!! please if any one could tell me !!!!




  1. As you have a very large tank, there is a wide variety of fish you can choose from.I would go for clown loaches as mine used to shoal with my balas when they were smaller, but as they grow they tend to get closer to their own kind.

    Pictus catfish are very active, brilliant scavangers and arent aggressive, although as they reach full maturity, they may begin to eat any fish that will fit in their mouths eg, tetras, danios, rasboras.

    the good thing about pictus catfish is that they will shoal with their own kind but can still thrive on their own and they will only grow to 13cm.

    One thing that you have to realise is that bala sharks are extremely active fish and under no circumstances can you have very timid fish in the same tank as them such as- gouramis, discus etc.

    i hope this helps you

  2. well a couple more Bala Sharks would be your best bet lol. Good Luck!

  3. Theres Not alot you can put with these fish since they eat almost every thing you put in the tank but here are a few that may do well.Ruby Shark,Kissing Gourami, Koi,Siamese fighter,&Pleco,Bumblebee catfish,Zebra loach, But NO tetras and have to be sure the fish you get are larger than your sharks mouth sine they may want to eat.

  4. any non-agressive fish pretty much.

  5. 1 plecostomus and some tetras, barbs, and danios

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