
What other fish can i put in my 10 gallon tank ?

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i already have these fish. 3 diamond tetra and 2 pleco catfish wich stay at the bottom alot. im still in the cycleing process the tank has been set up for about 2-3 weeks. i want to add acouple more fish if i can .. thanks




  1. Mollys, platys, or guppies would be good.

  2. neon tetra,ghost catfish are really cool looking,cloud minnows were my first fish for my 20 gallon but they don't get all that big.

  3. Neon Tetras are some of my favourite fish for a community tank. Just make sure you keep them in groups of 3 or more.

    Guppies are nice too. I had some beautiful ones.

    Also try Mollies, they're hilarious to watch.

    The Plecos might grow too big for the tank though so I would possibly change them out for something smaller such as smaller catfish (ex. Oto Cat)

  4. Your plecos will eventually outgrow that tank - what sort of pleco are they? You MIGHT be able to keep ONE in there if it's one of the smaller species, but you'll probably either want to upgrade to a bigger tank or trade those in for something smaller.

    If you want "cute little sucker fish," I'd really recommend otos - they do a great job with algae and are pretty fish go. They're not too hardy, though, so wait until the tank is cycled and stable.

    I'd recommend getting rid of the plecos and getting a few more of the tetras to make a better sized school.

    If you want a "centerpiece fish" you could probably get away with sticking a smaller gourami in there. A betta could work, but sometimes the tetras will nip their fins. You might be pushing the stocking limit, so make sure you have very good filtration and test the water regularly.

    6 diamond tetras

    3 otocinclus

    1 dwarf gourami

  5. Oh, I know! add all the characters of finding nemo.  It'll be really nice, kids would love them.

    And if you haven't decorated it yet, try putting a volcano in the middle, just for fun.

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