
What other fish could I put in with my Chiclids?

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Hi, I have a 125 gallon tank and it only has 2 catfish and 3 gold severums in it. I'm not sure of what other fish I could put in because the Gold Severums have gotten so big. I'm afraid to put any littler fish in there. Any ideas of fish that won't be picked on by my severums and catfish?

I don't want to ruin the tank.





  1. It's another cichlid but those Blue Rams are STUNNING fish! They are so colourful! I strongly suggest those, they won't pick on other fish, but I'm not sure if they would get picked ON? Maybe someone will tell you later on if they would... I don't know much about severums,  

  2. blue rams are kind of babies in a fish tank - and stay pretty small so I wouldn't recommend that.  i have a festivum that is freaking awesome and good at holding his own.  red parrot cichlids are good at holding their own too.

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