
What other food can you give your nearly five month kitten?

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My dear kitten is nearly five months old and I have started to wonder what other food she can eat, she just usually eats her dry food I sometimes give her a small piece of my chicken but only once a week, is this wrong to feed her on anything other than her dry food. When does she become an adult and be able to eat other foodstuffs?




  1. as long as most of her diet is a very good quality dry food (try and avoid supermarket foods and tinned meats) you can give any plain meat left overs.

    Do not feed cats large quantities of raw meat without adding vitamin/calcium powder or you can make them ill. Chicken necks and wings are also a great way to keep their teeth clean

  2. I give mine a spoon full of Friskies canned every morning. They also love a little fried chicken liver. And raw hamburger lol. It will not hurt them. They will start to bug you for there num numms every morning though. :-)

  3. Give that kitty a can of sardines and watch her go crazy on 'em!!!

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