
What other food chains beside KFC do I need to boycott because of animal cruelty?

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I just saw the Pam Anderson video of her talking about them hurting and abusing their chicken before they are slaughtered. I am never eating there again because of that. That is sick and inhumane.




  1. i dont eat kfc either i'm with peta on that well just check out the website it tells people all about animal cruelty .

  2. hey, they die either way, and just like lobsters, chicken's brains are too small to feel pain.

  3. I have heard that Wendy's is just as inhumane and needs to be avoided.  Check it out online, but I read it somewhere and haven't eaten there since. You'd think in this day and age we'd have put away our medieval ways. Some people are incredibly horrible and deserve to be treated the same way they've treated animals.

  4. None, quit worrying about all this animal cruelty to chickens from KFC. Animals are raised to be slaughtered, for food.  Pam ANderson now there is a good spokesperson, She does what everyone tells her to do and act. no big surprise there, and you believe her and would boycott a place over this? Please, silly.  PETA is a group that should be stopped and boycotted. If I want to eat meat or wear fur or leather, that is MY choice, and they need to stop trying to impose their thoughts on other, like the vegans.  

  5. it is sick and inhumane! it so sad.

    i think you should watch this video on youtube called 'meet your meat'. its a 12 minute documentary on animals basically. you would want to see that.  


  6. Mc Donalds, Subway, Burger King, Hungry Jacks, It's so terrible :(

  7. Isn't it inhumane to kill any animal just so a person can eat?  They are still KILLING animals either way.  Is there really a "humane" way to kill?  

  8. stop being a hippie. d**n. who cares. it tastes good.

    pam anderson is a sIut.

  9. probably all of the fast food restaurants

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