
What other fundamentals could form space an time?

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It's easy to view space and time as the foundation for everything else that forms and follows within it, but I just finished watching a documentary that suggests space and time could be composed of other fundamentals, of which we've yet to discover. I find this to be a ridiculous notion. It leads us into a trap of neverending cause and effect. I honestly can't see how science can ever tap into what occurred before the "Big Bang".




  1. Fundamentally, matter is created from the mathematics of geometry and proportion, manifesting in the present. This is a different kind of mathematics, one that refutes the notion of replication: events cannot be precisely replicated, to assume that they do shuts down the generational flow. The past cannot be undone or manipulated again, it is set in stone. The present is where the action must occur.

    When you realize that the mathematics of proportion can be manifested over multiple dimensions (probably infinite)  there is no end to the diversity one can create with generational mathematics. Energy, coupled with proportion, has infinite possibilities associated with it. Chaos resolves into order because of the nature of gravity, which, at it's most basic level, does not change. This could be refered to as the invariant. The invariant is the ultimate in compression and density, because it is impervious to change. However, it can be influenced, it's forces nullified. This is because other energies are connected to it, they impact it's manifestation. The force of gravity can be altered and spread across space-time; gravity is a transdimensional mutator. This is possible due to the flexibility of equations.

    The equation of balance is manifested in a myriad of ways. How one approaches the notion of zero depends on what energies are being used to cancel each other out. Balance is about a neutralization of energies once they combine into one melting pot. In this way, a balanced system of equations can be created, using various forms of energy. Another type of universe, using different physics, is then feasible.

    Generational mathematics depends on the present because the past, while elasped, knows the present. When equations that impact the present are combined with an energy form they manifest as spin. The energy is thus "aware" of the present as it spins or propagates. The Mathematical interface occurs in the present.

    Events that happened in the past are contained in memory and exist as "timelocked" in space-time. In this way, one might be able to establish a fix on a past event and draw themselves into a parallel reality that would be very similiar to the universe of the past. One would have to locate the memory and home in on it. Once they arrived they would impact the energy from the old time line, and thus they would create an new time line in the present. This parallel universe might answer questions about our own past, since it would be very similiar in makeup to the universe of our past, the one that occured prior to the big bang.

    I do not believe that memory is simply something that living beings possess. Water contains the memory of all that has come before during its history, memories of past interactions are engraved upon the very molecules of water. I believe this is true for all other events, the smallest fragment of matter contains the memory of all things that have occured since the beginning of time. We can travel these eddies of memory providing we lock unto the memory and folllow it very closely in the present, using various equations to project ourselves backwards. We do have the advantage of the quantum leap, which makes a journey shorter. A quantum leap can be employed using various equations.

    There are many levels of awareness. Perhaps matter is conscious, but on a different level of being.

    You mentioned cause and effect, which does not have to be a local phenomena only. There should be no limit to cause and effect--every event should influence everything else. A stroke of a hammer should be able to be felt millions of light years away. It just depends how far you want to project an effect into the void.

    Some people have suggested that a place called "Platonia" or "the zero point field" exists, and that it is possible to "take an effect or energy or object" without any thing causing it. This place exists without the regular limitations of space and time and cause and effect. If one sent an intention through this field it would manifest immediately in another place without any delay for transit. Taking something from this realm is tantamount to pulling things out of thin air....

  2. I agree with you All that happened before planck's time is only speculation and not science

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