
What other groups out there like the peace corps? That I could use a degree in communications?

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I'm wanting to join a volunteer group like the peace corp in a few years, after I inish getting my degree. The thing is I'm thinking about getting my degree communications with a focus in film. What could I do with that in a volunteer group?

Thanks a bunch!




  1. Here is a web site that can help you learn more about the skills and experience desired by long-term placement organizations, or organizations that don't charge volunteers but require volunteers to be highly-skilled, and how you can start to gain such experience locally, wherever you are now.

    A volunteer with a degree in communications and a focus on film could:

    -- teach children, immigrants, displaced people, people with disabilities and/or their parents, and other marginalized groups how to film their stories, edit them and promote them via various resources to raise awareness about their circumstances

    -- help small NGOs understand how to market their programs and events to a variety of audiences, particularly via no-tech means

    -- help small NGOs understand how to work with the media

    -- provide trainings to NGOs on public speaking, engaging in online outreach, using YouTube, etc.

  2. My degree is in communications and I while I was in Peace Corps was able to use my skills by editing the oral histories of traditional storytellers. I worked with translators, graphic artists, designers and printers and had the time of my life. Most importantly, I felt I made a difference and the work I did had long term implications. Go for it!

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