
What other jobs are available to a teacher of IT and business studies?

by Guest45046  |  earlier

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i want to get out of teaching, hating the politics that goes with it all. What other options are available to me. I have looked around for jobs but don't know what my BA hons will allow me to do. Please help with constructive suggestions, everyone i have spoke to cant help me and i really don't want to end up stacking shelves!!




  1. Get Into BPO R callcenter  Jobs R u can getinto marketing also

  2. I taught Business and Information Technology for a few years as a second career.

    Prior to teaching, I worked for a company with a reputation of being very back-stabbing, cut-throat political.  It was nothing compared to working in the school system.

    At least in the corporate world I could understand why many were so "competitive" - raises, bonuses, promotions.  In the school system it was just pure juvenile pettiness.

    A teacher in the same department absolutely hated me and expended a bunch of effort to undermine anything I did. Why? Because I had a slightly larger classroom.  Weird!

    OK - to your question.

    You have a lot of options!

    If you actually enjoyed the teaching part of the job:

    - Tutoring companies (Kumon, Sylvan, etc.)

    - Corporate training departments

    - Teaching (or tech support) with an online school

    - Community college (may need some addt'l education)


    - Curriculum development companies

    - Educational software development companies

    - Technical support


    Your best bet may be to shop around the "employment" links on online school sites.  I think this is a big growth area - especially with rising fuel costs.  Don't limit just to secondary - look at post secondary schools as well.

    You do not have to settle for "stacking shelves."

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