
What other jobs can a person with a bachelor degree in elementary education perform other than teaching?

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What other jobs can a person with a bachelor degree in elementary education perform other than teaching?




  1. I see this often so I guess many people get burned out teaching or get peeved at the lower end salaries.  A B.A. degree opens doors, period.  It places you miles ahead of High School graduates and GED holders.  Some possibilities though are:

    Guidance Counselor

    Administrator, Principal, Vice-Principal




  2. You could go into any job that just wants anyone with a bachelors degree.  The knowledge from your degree won't help you much, but if you have gone all the way through the program and just realized you don't want to teach, that is what you would generally be stuck with.  If you are thinking of getting a degree in elementary ed but don't want to teach, it doesn't make much sense.

  3. You can try Social Services or Human Resources. A lot of it depends on your personality and desire to achieve.

  4. Look for jobs that use similar skills. Many jobs just specify a "bachelor's degree," so it's a matter of matching your skills to the job. The type of degree becomes less relevant the more job experience you have. The hardest part is getting job experience if you want to pursue another field.

    If that's the case, try joining or volunteering for an association related to that field. For instance, if you want to get into marketing, become active local chapter of the American Marketing Association. You can network at meetings and find ways to demonstrate your skills by volunteering for various committees and conferences.

    My degree is in English with minors in history and political science. I started off as an executive assistant, moved into inside sales, and am now a marketing analyst--all pretty well unrelated to my degree! Two former el ed teachers I know are now in marketing communications, using their creativity and communication skills.

  5. Unless you can get a job with a textbook company, there is not much else you can do with an Elementary Ed degree. If you are dead set on not being a teacher, then you might want to look into getting a masters in some other area. Otherwise, you will have to be lucky enough to find a career in some other field that wants a degree but does not care what your degree is in. Sorry...

  6. Well  you can work as a tutor, day care, social service. Unless you enjoy sales, there isn't a lot of options. I would go back and get a masters in what you would like, and go from there. You'll have a much better chance of getting the job you'll like and with a bit more pay.

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