
What other liquids can a fish survive in besides water??

by Guest57948  |  earlier

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just bored and wondering




  1. welllllll....   Since most liquids are either made of a high percentage of water, or some other chemical than H2O, which would kill the fish.

    Anything made of a high percentage of water, like.... tea, they could probably live in, but anything else like fruit punch probably not...

    You mean like milk, I cant imagine fish living in milk?  Wow  you must really be bored.

  2. Wine for a little while, and then they are yummy.

  3. they wood die in any thing other than the type of water .for that type of fish.and some like it warm some cold..

  4. I did a science project on that once. And it turned out..well..maybe not that pretty. Except I tried it in Saline Solution, Milk, Soda ( I think) hydrogen peroxide, orange juice, and vegetable oil. The results though had one thing in common for sure..they died. But the liquid it lasted longer in was the saline solution. But for sure they can't survive, they'll only stay alive for maybe a couple hours depending on the liquid.

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