
What other names are there for 'Planet Earth'

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In English we call it Planet Earth,

but how do other cultures describe our world?

and do the names, that other cultures use, have any other meanings? (like 'earth' means the stuff on the ground that we plant things in)




  1. In Roman religion, Tellus was the goddess of the Earth, and the name is used for the planet itself.

    In Greek religion, the name of the goddess was Gaia. This name is used when describing the planet Earth as a living organism.

    When we today talk about Mother Earth, it is in the same tradition as Tellus/Gaia.

  2. BIG BLUE  /

  3. It is also called Terra in ancient Greek.  Terra can refer to the planet Earth, or earth itself, as in dirt, rocks, sand, etc.

    Example 1: terracota bricks, are made from earth, or 'terra'.  

    Example 2, extra-terrestrial, meaning "not of this earth"

    Example 3: Terrain, or the shape of the earth.

    Example 4: It was also mentioned in the video game Star Craft, in which the space colonists reclaim humanity as 'Terran', meaning human, or more specifically, "of Earth"

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