
What other penalties are there in rugby?

by  |  earlier

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i know high tackle, offside, and whatever a knock on is. are there others?




  1. Obstruction. There's no blocking in rugby. If you run behind one of your own players when you have the ball you may be called for it if it impedes an opponent.

    Forward pass. All passes must be lateral or backwards.

    Handling in the ruck. If you are part of a ruck, you may not use your hands to get the ball out (feet are ok). you can only do so if you disengage from the ruck, get onsides then pull the ball from directly behind it.

    There are several components to being offside, especially when the ball is being kicked. Essentially the person who kicks the ball must pass his teammates to put them onsides or they must be put onsides by someone who has already been put onsides by the kicker (i know it sounds confusing).

    There are a few more, but these pretty much include dangerous plays, such as collapsing the scrum, late hit, etc.

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