
What other protesters go around protesting the wrong way?

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( e.g some animal right campaigners and Pro-lifers )

i can only think of these but I'm sure theres more,

help me please =]




  1. You do not explain what to you is a "wrong way", but whatever it may be, I should think that regarding animal right activists, they may some times do things that sound and look "desperate", simply because that is exactly who they feel at that moment. Their actions are only reflecting the sadness, the impotence they feel of not being able to do more for these beings which cannot help themselves.

    As for the Pro-Life activists, the same. They truly believe that what the others are doing is totally wrong, and in their feeling of desperation they may say or do things they probably wouldn't have done otherwise.

  2. Those who protest for illegal aliens. In Arizona a business man complained too many illegal aliens were loitering in front of his business for jobs; he called the police who arrested some and this caused his business to this day to be protested. Every Saturday until Christmas protesters of his actions are standing in front of his store because he called the police...

    That to me is not only wrong but moronic on the supporter of illegal aliens.. they broke more laws then just loitering.. And the business man is a Citizen of the USA who broke no laws.

    Go figure.

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