
What other reptile can you keep with a leopard gecko?

by  |  earlier

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in the same tank




  1. Leopard geckos are very good with other leopard geckos. Put them with other lizards, and it will get violent. So, probably only other leopard geckos to be on the safe side.

  2. not many but i have learned that if you buy one smaller than your other one they will respect each other. and hopefully they wont fight. but do not put in a frog or a toad with a reptile. i have and it didn't turn out so well

  3. Reptiles in general are not social creatures. Putting them together at any time is potentially asking for trouble. Especially when you put males with males.

  4. Sorry, nothing!  Even other leopard geckos can be a problem, as domination and fighting are common unless there are very large tanks and each has it's own hiding and basking area.

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