
What other reptiles or amphibs can i ....?

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i have a single green white lined treefrog in a huge 120 gallon vivarium so what other kind of animals like reptiles can i put in their with him? fire bellied toads? cave salamnders? mini toads? green anoles? brown bahamas? baby box turtles? broad headed skinks? i dont want to just have him in there by himself cuz thats a huge tank to just waste on one lil frog and my local pet store doesnt cary them nemore so i cant get more treefrogs to go in there with him so plz help what should i put in there with him?




  1. im working in an exotic pet shop for my work experience and they have a rough green snake in with the green tree frogs. They also have some toads but i cant remember what type they were.

  2. You cannot put in fire bellied toads as they will slowly kill your frog because they have toxins. If a fire bellied toad were to soak in the water, then your treefrog, he would be soaking up deadly toxins as well. A rough green snake is too small to eat your treefrog, but is not recommended. Your best bet would be green anoles, but you must first learn tons of information about them before purchase. They are EXTREMELY expensive, time consuming, and get stressed VERY easily. Also, the frog will not eat the green anole. I have plenty of experience and house these two species together, but they are the only two species I recommend.

  3. you can fit anoles or fire bellies

  4. Ok, no anoles! If you put them together the frog will eat the anole!

    And definitley NO SNAKES!

    Why dont you try a smaller species of toad or frog!

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