
What other small birds do cockatiels go with?

by  |  earlier

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I have a years and a half cockatiel and during school, I'm afraid she will get lonely during the day, although after school I can care for her. She is very nice to me. I am looking for something smaller and quiet that is compatible with a cockatiel. (No lovebird since they are quiet loud)

So my questions are :

1. Should I get another bird, or she might not like me as much or doesn't need one.

2. What type of bird that are smaller and quiet are compatible with cockatiels.

or is it just best to get another cockatiel ... ?




  1. Are you kidding!!!!! Never ever! Put a parakeet or canary or any smaller bird with a cockatiel! That's crazy! It's going to be like putting a lion and lamb in the same pen! You should probably just go with another cockatiel!

  2. Cockatiels are BEST with other cockatiels.  But whatever you do don't pair them with a smaller or bigger bird.  If it's smaller then the smaller one could get hurt and if you get a big one then you're current bird could get hurt.  Cockatiels don't get along with parakeets at all.  So the best thing to do is just to get another cockatiel.

    I hope I helped!

  3. well i have a budgie and a cockatiel that live in seperate cages when im there, so they dont get too attached. but when ill be gone for more than a few hours ill put my budgie in with the tiel so they can keep eachother company. it works. if your afraid of your bird getting bored you can also get extra toys. another tiel might make your first less friendly with you though.

  4. Another Cockatiel same gender.

  5. That's correct, parakeets and cockatiels will buddy up together. But that's just it...THEY will become buddies, and you may loose your place with the tiel. That's about the only other bird.  If you get it a bird, it will bond with that bird.  If you get another cockatiel it has to be of the opposite s*x, because you really can't put 2 birds together of the same s*x; but if you put a male in with her be prepared in the fall for babies which you really don't want...handfeeding, taming, special foods, etc.  She'll be fine...leave the TV or radio on for her.  And just let her out and give lots of attention when you are home.  It's the only way to keep her thinking of you as her mate and buddy.

  6. Its perfectly fine to have budgies with your cockatiel. I have three budgies and three cockatiels in the same cage and they are all getting along fine, snuggling together and all. They do have their bad days though and get into a conflict, but nothing serious.

    If anything you should worry about the budgie bullying the your tiel. Don't judge them by thier size :P budgie vs cockatiel, the budgie has a 60% chance to win.

  7. bungies(parakeets) r great for  a small cheap brid or get another cockatiel

  8. depends what ur bird likes cuase it might like some birds and not lets say it can like one bugdie but hate the other so its ramdom

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