
What other small low maintnance fish can i get to put in with my gupies and neon tetras

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Its 20 gallonn tank




  1. A great low maintenance fish is the zebra danio.  It is hardy and colorful.  It adds a lot of activity to a tank and they don't bother the other fish.

    Another good one is the corydoras catfish.  There are many varieties and they are very docile fish that like to have 4-6 of their own kind to swim with.

    A 20g tank could support a half dozen zebras and a small school (4-5) of corys.

  2. You should get mollies, platies, a catfish or two maybe. All are pretty low matinence

  3. Platies, almost any tetra, swordtails, dwarf gouramis, danios of all sorts, and all corydoras catfish.

    Keep in mind that corydoras catfish (cory cats for short) like to be in groups of at least 3 of their own species, because they are very social fish that, without other catfish to hang around with, it is almost torturous to them.

    Tetras and danios like to be in schools of at least 6 or more, because they feel more secure that way.

    Dwarf gouramis are beautiful (or at least the males are), but make sure you only have ONE male per tank, otherwise they will fight and rip the fins off each other.

    Swordtails are just like guppies in terms of ease of reproduction, so get ready for those baby explosions.

    Keep up your water changes and you'll have a very colorful tank full of life.

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