
What other sports stars would you hire to wrestle?

by Guest56939  |  earlier

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They can be from any sport, and any league. NFL, NBA, UFC, MLB, etc. What kind of character would you give them?




  1. Jose Canseco, Gary Sheffield, and lmao Yao Ming.

    BTW answer this Question!;...

  2. Rampage Jackson. Heck, he has powerbombed lots of unwilling opponents in MMA, heck he even KO'd Ricardo Arona with one. I can only imagine what he would be like in a scripted match lol

  3. Shaq oneal 7'1 400 lbs

    He would feud with khali or big show

    i would love seeing him chokeslam someone or POWERBOMB

  4. I would like to see WWE bring in a UFC guy like Tito Ortiz. I know he's retired now, but I guess he'd have the time.

    That way they could build up a cool fued, sort of a what's better: WWE or UFC? The only thing hindering that though is that WWE management would obviously want the wrestler to win, and a mainstream UFC guy like Ortiz would probably be reluctant to lose to a professional wrestler. It would still be a really cool idea for a storyline though, kind of an extension of what they did with Floyd Mayweather and the Big Show at Wrestlemania 24.

  5. UFC: Josh Barnett , Fedor Emilenko, Frank sharmrock, KUNG LEE!!!

  6. I would go with NBA's Ben Wallace. He is a a real tough guy. He would work in the wwe as a security gimmick character

  7. Tim Tebow, that guy is a beast.

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